Holy Mountain Toy Vault: G1 Blaster Transformation
There is nothing more I can say to you that you need to hear about Soundwave. In the pantheon of the Transformers universe, he is unequivocally in the top 5. If you do not already know this to be true, well how in the world could I possibly help you? On a lesser note, we paired Soundwave with his Autobot counterpart Blaster, a truly badass Transformer we feel is unmentioned and under-appreciated. I prefer my transformers in robot mode 99% of the time, except for Blaster. Sure in robot mode he is a beast, but in boom box mode is where this toy truly shines. Color scheme, transformation and aesthetic are all top drawer on Blaster but where he shines is in his boom box mode. "Blaster marches to his own beat, whether it's a pounding bassline or pounding Decepticon skulls" I think that quote from Transformers Wiki sums it up with nothing more I need to add to the matter. For the video we chose the 7L & Esoteric song "Be Alert" for the obvious tie in on the sample but also because we fucking love them and you should also!